Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy:

Commitment to Data Protection Emerald Watt values your privacy and is dedicated to protecting your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679. This policy outlines how we handle your personal information with transparency and care.

What Personal Data We Collect

  • Identification Information: Includes your name, surname, physical address, and contact details (email and phone number).
  • Device and Usage Information: Includes details about the browser and device you use, as well as your navigation patterns on our site.

Purpose of Data Collection

  • Order Processing: Your contact details are essential for order fulfillment, from placement to delivery.
  • Website Enhancement: Technical equipment details and site behavior help us improve usability and personalize your experience, such as adapting our site for mobile usage.

Sharing Your Data

  • Service Providers: We work with third-party companies that assist us in providing you with our services. Access to your data is strictly limited to what is necessary for their service provision:
    • Payment Processors: Handle transactions and require your name, surname, and credit card details.
    • Manufacturers and Logistics: Use order details to prepare and ship your orders.
    • Postal Services: Require your name and address to deliver products.
    • Email Marketing Services: Use your email address to send communications, if you opt-in.

Your Rights and Choices

  • Access and Control: You can request copies of your personal data, ask for corrections, or deletion from our systems.
  • Consent Withdrawal: You may withdraw consent for data use at any time, should you change your mind.

Consent and Disagreement By continuing to use our website after reading this policy, you consent to the processing of your data as described. If you disagree with these terms, please discontinue use of our website.

Contact Us For any inquiries about your personal data or if you wish to exercise your data rights, contact us at

Security Measures We are committed to ensuring the security of your personal data through robust technical and organizational safeguards.

Thank You We appreciate your trust in us to handle your personal information carefully and responsibly.